Safety Focus of the Week: Carbon Monoxide Awareness (Revisited)
We are at time of year where carbon monoxide poisoning is a bigger risk, both at work and at home. This is because our windows and doors are typically closed thereby reducing the ventilation and because we are heating with devices that generate combustion fumes.
CO Properties:
- Colorless, odorless, non-irritating gas (may occur with other gases that have these characteristics)
- Only slightly lighter than air (put your detectors up high; plan your work to avoid the lighter gases)
Permissible Limits for CO are:
0 to 25 ppm: Beware – Evaluate the source and correct/ventilate.
> 25 ppm: ACGIH 8 hr Exposure Limit
> 35 ppm: OSHA 8 hr Exposure Limit
>1,500 ppm: IDLH (imediately dangerous to life and health)
- Change the batteries in your home CO Detector
- Signs of CO Poisoning: Nausea, Dizziness, Headache, Confusion,
- High concentrations of CO can cause unconsciousness and death
- If CO Poisoning is suspected: Call 911; Ventilate; Safely Remove the Victim to Fresh Air
- Use a gas meter to check CO levels (our safety department can provide one).
A good reference on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is the the Center of Disease Control Website: CDC Carbon Monoxide Facts