- Ryegate Culvert Design-Build Replacement Project
- Franklin County State Airport Expansion – 2024
- New Haven – Ferrisburg Trenchless Culvert Project
- Pittsford Rail Bridge Rehab & Strengthening
- Renewable Energy Project – Vermont National Guard 2.2MW Solar Project
- AllSun Solar Tracker Installations
- East Alburgh Bridge Swing Span Automation
- Whipline Gas Bore
- Gentes Road Bridge Rehabilitation
- Hartford Bridge Street Bridge Replacement
- CCTA Downtown Transit Center
- Renewable Energy Project – Rock of Ages 100kW Wind Turbine
- Lime Kiln Substation Retaining Wall
- North Hero-Grand Isle Draw Bridge Emergency Superstructure Repairs
- City of Burlington Municipal Paving Contract
- Interstate 91 Rutfill Project
- Pinkham Notch Conduit System
- Grade Crossing at Rte 142 Vernon
- Bellows Falls Tunnel Clearance Improvements
- Burlington Tunnel Emergency Repairs
- VELCO 115kV Underground Electric Transmission Line
- VELCO & GMP Lime Kiln Substations
- VTrans Intelligent Information System (ITS)
- Vermont State Archive Fire Water Storage System
VTrans Intelligent Information System (ITS)
ECI’s Client: Vermont Agency of Transportation
Completion Date: 2007
Subcontractors: Teljet Longhaul (Fiber Splicer/Tester)
This project consisted of a communications line upgrade to allow for relocation of some of the state’s computer network system that was vulnerable to flooding conditions along the Winooski River in Montpelier,Vermont. The project was highly visible on the main through street of Vermont’s capital city. A great many of Vermont state government employees passed by, and several visited the site daily. As a result, our work was under the watchful eye of not only the client, but other arms of state government responsible for OSHA compliance, environmental protection, stormwater discharge, etc.
ECI’s scope of work:
- Rock trenching with our Tesmec 900 down a 1H:3V slope.
- Directional Drilling 750 ft in rock below the Winooski River and Memorial Dr
- Install 4-in-dia HDPE Casing Pipe & Three 1.25-in-id innerducts
- Installation of fiber optic cable including splicing, terminations, and testing