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Bellows Falls Tunnel Clearance Improvements
ECI’s Client: New England Central Railroad
Completion Date: September 2007
Subcontractors: Acme Waterproofing, Bazin Bros, Thomas Drilling & Blasting
ECI was engaged by the NECR to serve as the general contractor to lower the tunnel about 2.5 feet to allow for modified double stack container freight. The 150 year-old tunnel is 280 linear feet long and had been lowered twice previously. The work occurred during two daily work windows of 5 and 7 hours each. The track was reinstalled at the end of each work period for train traffic. Our scope of work included:
Scope of Work:
- Relocation of underground utilities
- Cutting the tracks into 13’0” jointed sections to allow for partial removal of the tracks during construction.
- Internal strengthening and repairs of the tunnel with shotcrete.
- Underpinning of the tunnel walls with soldier pile and steel lagging plates with cross struts buried below the proposed profile.
- Reconstruction of existing retaining walls with both shotcrete and traditional cast-in-place concrete.
- Drainage improvements inside of the tunnel
- Dapping of bridge timbers at the north approach to allow for a grade transition.
- Utility relocation at the Mill Street grade crossing (south end of tunnel).
- Paving and reconstruction of the grade crossing.